Building Devotional Character

Baha’is believe that an individual’s devotional character is built through state of prayer and meditation. In this state, the people’s mind is at peace and reconnects with their spirit drawing inspirations, uplifting their inner being and reflecting on their spiritual path in life.

Prayer and Meditation offer us an opportunity to commune with our Creator, draw on the revitalizing power of the World of God, and to contemplate and more deeply appreciate our lives.

Devotional gatherings are held in homes and community centres. They have no ritual, cleric or prescribed format, and seek to be uplifting and inclusive.

In quieting our minds, we open ourselves to inner illumination and experience greater tranquillity and purpose in our lives.

Readings are shared from the Bahá’í Writings and the Holy Books of the other world religions. Prayer and meditation are central elements in all religious traditions and these meetings stress their universal nature. Participants are invited to offer their own prayers and readings if they wish as well.

The Bahá’í community regularly holds gatherings for prayers, meditation and inspirational readings to nourish the spirit.

Everyone is welcome to attend, regardless of belief or background.

If you are interested to receive information, please use the following contact details and relevant information will be sent to you.

More Information

Please contact The Hills Shire Bahá’i Community by email, or by calling the Secretary, Mrs Azita Ansari, on 0407 201 722.

Bahá’i National Office, Tel (02) 9998 9221 /  (02) 9998 9222 /  1800 224 247, Or visit

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