Site icon Bahai Community of Hills Shire

Role of Religion

The Bahá’í view of religion is that “true religion promotes the civilization and honour, the prosperity and prestige, the learning and advancement of people”.

The questions here are: How can the idea that human reality has both a spiritual and a material dimension inform efforts to promote the common good? How can resources be brought to bear on the spiritual challenges ranging from apathy, prejudice, self-centeredness to hunger and material poverty.  These are the questions that the Bahá’í community is actively exploring and is eager to learn with others how the spiritual principles found in all world’s religions can be applied to the modern world and address those challenges in creating a better world. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said “If religion becomes a cause of dislike, hatred and division, it were better to be without it, and to withdraw from such a religion would be a truly religious act”. Also, He further wrote: “Any religion which is not a cause of love and unity is no religion.

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